How to Succeed At The Job of Parenting


    Do you sometimes feel hopeless as a parent?  Well, you are not alone; as the job of parenting is not an easy task. This child rearing elert is to provide information and resources to assist you as you endeavor to become successful at parenting.  You may be a new mother, pregnant teen, new father, or a  seasoned mother who needs information that deals with allergies, child discipline, teething, add, adhd, newborns or that difficult child  and feel hopeless because whatever you do seems to be hopeless.

Babies Do Not Come with a Manual

According to PERRI KLASS, M.D a writer for the New York Times "Every infant is born adorable but selfish and the center of the universe," she replied. It's a parent's job to teach that "there are other people, and other people have feelings." Some parents are not aware of this aspect of child rearing and since the manual to parenthood was never written, parents continually have to hone their skills as parents to meet the demands of their children.

 Parenting can be looked at, as a never ending learning process where every new situation brings a parent back to the beginning of learning how to be a parent. Many parenting skills will be learned over time through experience, but gaining skills from other methods can be helpful as well.

Observe and Learn from Other Parents

Learning from other parents is a readily available option for any parent. Gleaning how other parents solved behavior problems or organized their household chores can provide quick solutions to the situation at hand. Not all parenting methods will work with every child, but ideas from other parents can be taken and put to use using modified methods that will work with an individual child.

Read Books, Magazines

Other good sources of information that are readily available are parenting books, magazines and media.

Two popular TV shows offering parenting advice are Nanny911 and Super Nanny. These two shows offer different methods and are popular because of how they simplify what needs to be done in a household to gain control as a parent.

 There are also many parenting magazines that cover different parenting topics every month. Check these magazines out at magazine stands or your local library. Browse through them and see if any of the topics tackled in these magazines could be applied to your particular situation.

Attend Parenting Seminars / Join Parenting Groups

In addition to parenting magazines and television shows, parenting seminars offered by parenting organizations offer a place to learn about parenting in an educational environment. Many parenting seminars will offer information on topics that may never have been considered. Seminars also help parents meet other parents who are at the same place in their journey of parenthood.

By implementing these steps, you are sure to succeed in becoming the very best parent that you can be. The rewards of parenting are  great and fulfilling!

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