Money Making Strategies - How To Make Money With Your Idea

Money Making Strategies - Get Started As An Entrepreneur . Money making strategies online requires a domain name. Don't worry about getting an email address as you can use any one you want. We suggest Google as it is easier to get to. You will need to register a domain name which will contain your logo, business name and possibly a URL (or link). Also you will need to secure online web hosting. Web hosting is basically where you are storing your website on your computer where other computers can access it. You will need to get a URL (or link) to store on your web hosting account so that other computers can access your site. You can do this by going to your web host and selecting the drop down box that says Add a URL. Entering your domain name also provides you with a web address which you can use in your marketing material. Once you have your website ready to go you need to write an article. A website is very important but writing articles to post on your website is even more i...