Free Computer Job Training-Follow Up
Free Computer Job Training is still available to those who are interested in landing a career in the Computer Field . At the training, I was given a computer, a tool set and knowledge which would prepare me for the world of work. Every student is given a computer to take home for free. The toolkit as well as the valuable information is also free. I gained such invaluable information which landed me a job right after passing the A+ Certification examinations. I learned how to dismount a computer, set up a small network and how to prepare for interviews. In addition, to classroom training students are taken out in the field to set up networks at various schools in the community. Upon completion of the course, students are given more hands on training at the schools factory where they earn a stipend while learning new things and further practicing what they learned in the classroom. Then there's a graduation to celebrate the accomplishments of those who persevered and s...