How To Accomplish More In Smaller Steps

Take Small Steps To Accomplish More

One sure way for you to become unhappy is for you to try to accomplish too much at once. You set yourself up for disappointment when you fail to meet your goals. This is usually the case when you have too many tasks at hand thatare overwhelming. When you are faced with overwhelming tasks, the only thing you can do in order to successfully accomplish them is to take very small steps. If you look at the overall big picture, you will probably do nothing at all and the tasks will never get done. These unfinished tasks will, over time, cause unhappiness and frustration.

Organize Your Office

For instance, let us say that you have a home office that is piled with stacks of paper and receipts and all sorts of clutter. You have been having problems focusing while working and you can pinpoint the cause of the distractions:the clutter in your work area. However, with pressing deadlines, you do not have hours and hours to spend organizing your office space. Suddenly, you find yourself in the endless cycle of frustration and your work suffers because of the office clutter.

Clean Up Office Clutter

The only thing you can do in this case is to resolve within yourself to take a small amount of time each day to work to clean and organize your office. If you can set aside an hour per day, you will find that gradually, the mess will start to disappear and you will start to feel better about yourself.

Take Small Steps

However, if you set a goal to get your office cleaned today no matter what, then more than likely you will not accomplish it. You may have a good start but a poor finish. Then, at the end of the day, when you realize nothing got accomplished, you will get that frustrated feeling all over again.

The above is a simple example, but you can use this advice inany aspect of your life: take small steps. Don’t try to accomplish everything all at once. You’ll be disappointed if
you expect to see results right away.

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