Constructive And Destructive Criticism

The Power of Positive Thinking: 10 Traits for Maximum Results


Criticism is inevitable and sooner or later everyone will be approached by some one who will say something negative about us. There are many people who are not tactful and very inconsiderate about other people's feelings. There are others who are on a mission to bring sadness and pain and they find comfort in defaming others. The good book says, "death and life are in the power of the tongue". Words can either make you or break you so the next time anyone attacks you rest assured that you have the strength and ability to bounce back. So what is one to do when faced with criticism? well, this has worked for me and I hope it will help you too.

Step 1. Think Before You Speak

When people give us criticism on something that we do, whether positive or negative, it affects us.  When you are angry, upset, or frustrated, it is often possible that you will say things without thinking; things that could hurt and even destroy your professional or personal relationship.

Step 2: Don't Say Things That You Will Regret Later

If you happen to receive criticism, it is understandable to feel frustrated. However, it is important that you calm down. Take some time to think about what was said, and plan your response. Saying things while you are in a negative mood will only lead to saying things that you will most probably regret later. What may have seemed to be the way you feel at that moment will not be how you feel later, and those little bouts of negative energy can leave a lasting impression.

Step 3: Calm Down

It is crucial that you calm down when these angry feelings get to you. Science has shown that the stress these negative emotions cause can leave lasting physical damage. So not only do you have to worry about saying harmful things to friends, family and co-workers, but you also have to worry about hurting yourself as well. Calming down when these feelings take hold of you is necessary to prevent any damage that may occur.

Step 4: Think Rationally To Avoid Hurting Self And Others

You must use a clear head and rational thinking about the criticism you have received. It might sound harsh to you at first, but after thinking on it rationally, you may discover that some of what criticism you have been given is actually helpful and can be used to enhance and even perfect whatever is being criticized. Carefully planning out what you are going to say is also the best course of action, as you reduce the risk of hurting someone's feelings or angering them. This can mean all the difference between saving a relationship on the brink of destruction or destroying a solid working relationship.

Implementing these steps will not only help you become a better person but a victorious one at that. Be strong  and remember not every one deserves your precious time.

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